What is a Memorandum of Association?
The Memorandum of Association is one of the three documents you need to complete when registering a new limited company. The other two items you need to submit are Form IN01 and the Articles of Association.
Setting up a limited company marks an exciting (often daunting) milestone for any new business. The section provides step-by-step guides to walk you through the entire company formation process.
Learn the pros and cons of a limited company structure, including limited liability and tax efficiency. Understand director and secretary roles and responsibilities. Get tips on choosing a unique (and legal) name for your company.
Learn about articles of association, share allotments, director appointments, share certificates and statutory registers.
The Memorandum of Association is one of the three documents you need to complete when registering a new limited company. The other two items you need to submit are Form IN01 and the Articles of Association.
A limited company can have many classes of shares. These can be ordinary shares, preference shares and redeemable shares. The articles of association usually set out the rights of these shares while allowing the directors to issue shares with such rights and restrictions as determined by ordinary resolution.
When you start a business with someone else, it’s always a good idea to lay down some rules on important issues, such as; how you will run the company, your respective responsibilities and what happens if someone wants to leave the business. Agreeing on how you will handle these, and other important matters, will save a lot of anguish down the line.
Board minutes are a vital part of a successful business. They ensure directors are upholding their duties and act as a reminder for decisions made during board meetings.
Many businesses start out as owner-managed operations with one person owning all of the shares as well as being the managing director. However, as businesses grow, they often want to bring in other people as shareholders; maybe in return for an investment or possibly to a manager that they want to incentivise.