Business continuity for one man bands – plan ahead
Becoming an employer – your responsibilities when you hire staff
How to defend your small business from ‘Insider Threats’
Managing staff sickness absence – guide for small businesses
8 things you need to know before contracting offshore
According to the Oil & Gas UK Workforce Report, there are around 280,000 people working offshore in the UK alone.
If you’re interested in a career working offshore, whether it be on an oil rig or working, research vessel, or servicing and installing wind farms, here are eight things you’ll need to know before you dust off that CV and start applying.
Guide to effectively using promotional materials for start-ups
Factoring for small businesses – the pros and cons
If you’re doing well enough that your business is growing rapidly you would expect your finances to be healthy. But that isn’t always the case.
If your firm is expanding quickly, you could find that your cash flow becomes a problem, even though your business is profitable.
It’s a unique financial situation where you are selling so much that you can’t get the money in the door fast enough to pay for the raw materials you need for your next batch of products.